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Settlus Testnet Faucet

Add your address to receive SETL. It can be either be hex (0x...) or bech32 (settlus1...) address.

Frequently asked questions

How do I use this?

To request funds, simply enter your address in either hex (0x...) or bech32 (settlus1...) format and click the 'Send me SETL' button. You will be asked to complete a captcha to prove you are not a bot. Once you have completed the captcha, your request will be processed and you will receive your funds.

How much testnet SETL can I request?

This faucet will send you 1 SETL per request.

What is a testnet SETL?

Testnet SETL is a token that can be used to test the Settlus blockchain. It has no value and is not redeemable for anything.

I have been failing the Google Captcha that pops-up when I request test tokens. What do I do?

Please make sure you are not using a VPN or any other software that may be blocking Google Captcha. If you are still having issues, please contact us on

My transaction is not showing up on the block explorer. What do I do?

Please wait a couple more seconds and check again. If you are still having issues, please contact us on